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AV/IT Convergence

Whether you are an IT professional or an AV professional, this quarterly newsletter will help you navigate the latest tech trends of where IT and AV intersect.

Conferencing & Collaboration Newsletter

Stay updated on conferencing and collaboration solutions – news, market trends, business uses, and more – in a new monthly newsletter.

CTS News

Information on the CTS program, renewal, and other topics of specific interest to anyone who currently holds or is working toward the CTS credential. Emailed monthly.


Explore how digital signage is working across verticals, the latest digital signage news, and more in a monthly newsletter.

Education and Training

Information and updates on the latest AVIXA education, certification, and training offerings and programs.

InfoComm Show

Promotions and news about the InfoComm show, including offers for free Exhibit Hall Passes.

Market Intelligence

Information and updates about AVIXA Market Intelligence reports and publications.

Partner Third Party Offers

Offers and information from industry publications, InfoComm show partners and other resources you may value.

Regional Update

The AVIXA teams in your region highlight activities, events and education opportunities relevant to you. Regions: EMEA(English), Asia and Oceania (English), Latin America (Spanish / Portuguese), and DACH (German).
Emailed monthly.

Special Member Offer and Events

Information and updates about AVIXA membership, programs, webinars, and events for the AVIXA community.

Standards and Development

Latest news and product announcements on AV standards development and stories on how your peers are using AVIXA standards.

Participate in Industry Surveys

Share your perspective in AV industry and community surveys.

Tech Solutions for Learning

Follow the latest tech trends – and find practical inspiration – in this quarterly newsletter about learning solutions for universities and corporate training.

Upcoming Events
Enterprise IT Power Hour: Optimizing Meeting Room Monitoring

Monitor best practices, stay updated on industry trends, and understand the current landscape of monitoring tools.

Mastering AV Service Management – the Operational Manager, April 2025 - Group 1

The Operational Manager Certificate is full of the hard, how-to detail of the skills you need as a manager of a technical workgroup in an AV context.

Mastering AV Service Management – the Operational Manager, April 2025 - Group 2

The Operational Manager Certificate is full of the hard, how-to detail of the skills you need as a manager of a technical workgroup in an AV context.